
Goodbye, Master Roth

«Nothing could extinguish the vitality of that boy whose slender little torpedo of an unscathed body once rode the big Atlantic waves from a hundred yards out in the wild ocean all the way in to shore. Oh, the abandon of it, and the smell of the salt water and the scorching sun! Daylight, he thought, penetrating everywhere, day after summer day of that daylight blazing off a living sea, an optical treasure so vast and valuable that he could have been peering through the jeweler's loupe engraved with his father's initials at the perfect, priceless planet itself -- at his home, the billion-, the trillion-, the quadrillion-carat planet Earth! He went under feeling far from felled, anything but doomed, eager yet again to be fulfilled, but nonetheless he never woke up. Cardiac arrest. He was no more, freed from being, entering into nowhere without even knowing it. Just as he'd feared from the start.»

in Everyman - 2006

Philip Roth - 19/03/1933 - 22/05/2018


Comemoração do 25 de Abril - Desfile Av. da Liberdade 2018

Registo fotográfico da marcha popular entre o Marquês de Pombal e o Rossio, nas comemorações da Revolução do 25 de Abril de 1974.

Desfile onde se juntaram povo e instituições, personalidades políticas e culturais, hinos populares e vozes de contestação, e onde se exibiu um vasto conjunto de mensagens e iconografia revolucionária, com simbologia nem sempre representativa da Revolução dos Cravos - coisa de extremos, garantidamente - entre pins com o rosto do sanguinário Lenine (estariam os alfinetes com o rosto de Thomas Jefferson esgotados?) e a maçã dentada na traseira dos iPhone.

Equipamento utilizado: Canon 6D + 24-105mm 1:4 L
Tratamento de edição em Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.6

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